Gender, genres and generations. A sociological analysis on changes of consumption styles in the globalised world: current scenarios and future perspectives
Emerging Platform Societies (6 - 8 April 2022)
The contemporary socio-economic context is highly dynamic and an expression of key digital and physical transformations. Within this panorama, digital platforms play a dominant role, imposing their power on economic and social processes. They also influence personal and institutional communications, regulatory and institutional structures, consumer behaviour and, last but not the least, have a strong impact on the payment system and the management of so-called dual-entry markets. The current COVID-19 pandemic has also brought into sharp relief both these rapidly unfolding transformations as well as points of constraints.
The virtual seminar will investigate these phenomena in the contexts of emerging platform societies, i.e. parts of the world that are not considered to be the front runners of the digital platform revolution. We will start with (but not be restricted to) the cases of India and Italy.
Guiding questions include:
• What are the contours of emerging platform societies?
• What continuities and ruptures must be considered in understanding the current form of these emerging platform societies?
• How do the experiences of such platform societies inform our understanding of platform societies elsewhere?
The seminar will involve interdisciplinary experts from the academic world in a series of virtual meetings to understand how society, economics, law, politics and technological design shape and interact with the current process.
Contributors to this Issue: Eleonora Alecci, Martina Anselmeti, Vincenzo Auriemma, Roberta Bartoletti, Andrea Bernardelli, Francesca Bianchi, Maria Chiara Caiazzo, Antonella Capalbi, Antonia Cava, Giovanni Ciofalo, Piergiorgio Degli Esposti, Mario Giampaolo, Brian Gomes, Silvia Leonzi, Antonella Mascio, Francesco Pelusi, Grazia Quercia, Geraldina Roberti, Marta Rocchi, Alessandra Romano, Jillet Sarah Sam, Mario Tirino, Luca Toschi.
in italian |
The virtue of this monographic issue lies in its objective to foster the debate between semiotics, consumption sociological studies, and media studies. It is worth nurturing this three-sided debate in order to better illustrate the complexity of media use practices and their relati
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in italian |
The purpose of the present monographic issue is to adopt a consumption perspective in order to more thoroughly understand the evolution of social dynamics, however, conscious that today, more than ever, use practices might constitute a privileged observatory to interpret social cha
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in italian |
The contribution presents the reflections on the relationship between gender and ICT of female students of a degree course in education and training sciences. What kind of representations future educators have about the social category of gender? In particular, which meaning perspe
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in italian |
The focus of the article is about the characters of the TV Series since they reflect, by adhesion or by contrast, a series of expectations, professional too, related to gender, with significant repercussions to the audience. The following analysis aims to investigate the representa
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in italian |
This paper examines women’s self-determination within patriarchal discursive regimes, specifically in the cultural texts produced by the fashion industry. In westernized capitalist consumer societies, women’s gender identity is structured according to oppressive patriarchal figurat
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in italian |
Pornhub – the most famous porn video portal in the world - is a privileged point of observation to investigate how an intense relation with porn has permanently entered collective imaginary and sexual practice for men and women. Our analysis is going to focus on women’s pornographi
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in italian |
Even if gender representation though media evolved overtime, the risks of stereotyping, simplification and reduction of complexity still remain. In this paper we chose to focus on the analysis on the female representation in cartoons. The hypothesis which guided the realization of
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in italian |
TikTok is the name of the social network of the moment. Born in China as a simple application, it has spread for the ability to easily share 15 or 60 second clips paired with music, sound effects and filters. Today it is present in over 150 countries, translated into 75 languages a
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in english |
In this paper, we examine the figure of the elderly prosumers as they are located in the emerging platform societies of India and Italy. Recently, sociological literature has observed the growing significance given to the elderly as active consumers in consumer society in India and
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in italian |
The paper investigates the TV series The Big Bang Theory (2007-2019) as a space of representation of the cultural and media consumption of the Post-Millennials. In particular, it will explore the ways in which the audiences appropriates the symbolic heritage of the nerd subculture,
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in italian |
In television series of recent years, the centrality of the religious theme has emerged with particular emphasis (beyond the all-Italian tradition of miniseries focused on the biography of religious personalities, saints and popes). This explosion of the use of the religious theme
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in italian |
The goal of this contribution will be to analyze the ways in which gender issues are treated within the fiction Un posto al sole. Specifically, the corpus of analysis will be defined around the narrative development of the character of Carla Parisi, a transgender father, who allows
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in italian |
In this work, we analyze the evolution of legal audiovisual serial products. Firstly, we consider the cultural changes of current media representations compared to the past ones, with a focus on the changing character of the lawyer, and in particular of the woman-lawyer who takes o
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