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Ocula 24 Vol. 21  |  October 2020  |  DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-38  |  Booklet ➞ PDF |  < >
Quando è design / When is design / Quand c'est du design

Questo numero di Ocula è dedicato alla memoria di Paolo Fabbri
Contributors to this Issue: Daniele Barbieri, Valeria Bucchetti, Michela Deni, Imma Forino, Francesco Galofaro, Béatrice Gisclard, Dario Mangano, Marine Royer, Yves Voglaire, Salvatore Zingale, Alessandro Zinna.
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When is design, we find those characteristics and values of "design culture" that regard design processes and methods, designers' skills and attitudes. When these necessary preconditions are fulfilled, in many cases it is design. In some other situations, it is just a matter of fin |... ⇲
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The questioning of design by the“when” gives here the opportunity to reconstruct the guiding lines of an archaeology of the discipline in four steps: the prehistory, where the problems of cultural design are presented; the history, from the birth of the culture of design depending  |... ⇲
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Design or projectuality? The project as inventive transformation – We are often led to think about the terms “design” and “project” as synonyms. But this is not entirely true. The English noun design also contains other meanings, which we can consider as the premises, or conditions |... ⇲
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The desk has been a controversial symbol of the office work, a piece of furniture to manage the confusion of papers and to settle all the employees. Over the centuries its design was often instrumental in identifying the personal habitat and the time of work. In the Ford era, the d |... ⇲
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Ethnosemiotics, a term included in the Greimas and Courtès dictionary, has been applied to various objects of observation in recent years. Ethnosemiotics does not simply consist in the semiotic analysis of ethnographic material; its ambition is rather to investigate the conditions  |... ⇲
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The contribution intends to limit the field of reflection to Communication Design. We therefore propose to reformulate the question: "When is Communication Design"?When can we talk about Communication Design and what are the conditions and processes that allow us to support it? To  |... ⇲
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No idea of design exists before William Morris, in the second half of the nineteenth century, came to develop it and put it into practice. Before the Industrial Revolution there were arts and crafts, and certainly there were also designing activities (architects, for example, have  |... ⇲
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Social design, as an expanding business line, covers a variety of approaches, methods and actors. This article attempts to develop the conditions and stages of its deployment, by listing the necessary elements for its elaboration on the one hand and by considering more precisely bo |... ⇲
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Protecting against hazards and organizing disaster management are constant concerns for all human societies. However, current environmental challenges require a rethinking of the division of responsibilities and roles of each individual, both managers and citizens. Starting from th |... ⇲
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What makes the specificity of design? What are the skills of a designer? In order to answer to these questions, we will be looking to design as it used to be practiced, and the goals it was assigned. We are going to look for commonalities that make the different design practices be |... ⇲
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The history of the invention of post-it, the famous small piece of yellow paper with a re-adherable strip of glue, help us see how designing can be a way of redesigning more than creation ex nihilo. A designer is who works on the meaning of things, focusing on the relations an arti |... ⇲

Ocula.it publishes articles and essays in semiotic research, with a particular eye on communication and culture; it is open to dialogue with other research fields and welcomes contributions from all the areas of the social and human sciences. See the Editorial Board and the Editorial Committee.

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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