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Ocula 20 Vol. 20  |  October 2019  |  DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-1  |  METADATA ➞ PDF  |  Booklet ➞ PDF |  < >
The Place of the User in Design

Contributors to this Issue: Françoise Armand, Claire Azéma, Philippe Barrier, Elvire Bornand, Pierre Bourdareau, Rabah Bousbaci, Marie-Julie Catoir-Brisson, Marie Coirié, Justine Coubard-Millot, Carine Delanoë-Vieux, Michela Deni, Manel Djemel, Grace Eden, Florian Evéquoz, Xavier Figuerola, Jacky Foucher, Emmanuel Fragnière, Inès Garmon, Gonzalo Lizarralde, Jacques Lolive, Christian Malaurie, Benjamin Nanchen, Françoise Paquienséguy, Randolf Ramseyer, Pierre-Michel Riccio, Machelle Ye, Rihab Zaidi.
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The aims of this issue is a reflection on the concept of user in design projects and its place in design processes. Beyond any lexical choice, questioning the multiple identities of users means considering them according to the contexts and approaches: users, individuals, persons,  |... ⇲
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In this article I present a research and action project on the life of the risk areas inhabitants in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP) carried in cooperation between France and Brazil. In a first part I will analyze the risk society manifestations in the RMSP and the behavio |... ⇲
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The project’s temporality facing the ethical dilemmas of citizen participation – Urban development projects mobilize a complex network of stakeholders (PP) that intervene at several scales and decision-making levels of the project. These PPs represent different and sometimes diverg |... ⇲
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In the field of mobility, the arrival of autonomous transport systems is increasing. It is therefore essential to take into account the factors that will have an impact on the adoption of these systems by users. In general, for the implementation of a technology to be successful, t |... ⇲
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Our collective proposal seeks to promote usage rather than user. This reflection, conducted by the prism of anthropology, is committed against an objective, modeling and reductive vision of the user as it has developed in recent years in certain approaches of the project in design. |... ⇲
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The promise of knowledge sharing against a backdrop of mutualization and the related accompanying speeches offer digital platform contributors a participatory, mutual aid vision. The field of scientific production is no exception to this logic. Its clients are institutions that rel |... ⇲
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The current paper aims to show the importance of considering the power relations in the implementation of the user’s integration strategies. In order to do this, we first suppose that the user’s integration strategy is a “strategical function” of design device that focuses on the  |... ⇲
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This text works around a central question on thinking uses and user in Design, conceived as an abstract and at the same time a creative process: what does the Design make of the user’s notion? In other words, how does it use it? How does it integrate it into the heart of its profes |... ⇲
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This article questions the user’s place within the design of the geolocalised dating app Tinder. It aims to analyse its situation in the real and achieved practices of this service as well as to provide a way of thinking about its condition in touch-screen devices’ design, starting |... ⇲
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Defining the user as both professional and beneficiary, I propose a systemic and participative modelling of project management. This means, in the field of medical care, that the patient is both at the beginning and at the end of the process and that he is therefore an actor of car |... ⇲
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The lab-ah is a hospitality and innovation lab working at the heart of the University Hospitals of Paris for Psychiatry & Neurosciences. As a first step towards designing a global hospitable experience within the architectural program of the new building of a neurosciences-speciali |... ⇲
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Since more than thirty years, the « user » figure plays a central role in the modernization of public policies. Since the beginning of the 2010s, local public actors have multiplied the recourse to external service providers, working with on user-centered design approaches of publi |... ⇲

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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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