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This article has been published in: Ocula 15, Commemorating Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914): Interpretive Semiotics and Mass Media

author: Giorgio Borrelli (Università di Bari (IT))

Consumption of wares-signs and signs-wares in social reproduction

language: italian

publication date: November 2014

abstract: Building on the achievements of Massimo Bonfantini’s pragmaticist materialism and Rossi-Landi’s “omologic” method, this article proposes a theoretical frame for the critical analysis of consumption as a category. According to Rossi-Landi, the economic phase of consumption -as well as those of production and exchange- divides into specific semiotic programs and cannot be considered without them. Therefore, to carry out a particular consumption behaviour, accounted for Rossi-Landi, coincides with performing linguistic work; to consume while respecting certain codes means to execute specific programs established by the logic of capitalistic production. Basically, consumption programs, insofar as they are habits, require an interpretation, and foster action. Yet, by means of an emancipating linguistic work, such programs can be discussed and their meaning can be changed, thus giving rise to a transforming praxis. Such dynamics can be read in the light of the elementary logic of the action process, which has been structured by Bonfantini in his materialistic reworking of Peirce’s abduction. More precisely, I propose to analyse the category of consumption – in its acceptation as a semiotically programmed behaviour – into the steps of representation, projection and programming. In short, a materialistically and pragmaticistically oriented semiotics may represent a critical tool for the analysis of consumption behaviour in the process of social reproduction.

keywords: peirce, artefatto, consumi, materialismo dialettico, pragmaticismo, programma, rossi-landi

OCULA-15-PEIRCE-Borrelli.pdf ➞ PDF [290Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula30

citation information: Giorgio Borrelli, Consumo di merci-segni e di segni-merci nella riproduzione sociale, "Ocula", vol.15, n.15, November 2014. DOI: 10.12977/ocula30


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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