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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

This article has been published in: Ocula 21, Geosemiotics: from locative media to diffused images, big and small data

authors: Giovanni Curtis (ISIA Roma Design (IT)) and Antonio Opromolla (Link Campus University (IT))

Hybrid urban spaces. From the introduction of digital technology to new social processes in the city

language: italian

publication date: December 2019

abstract: The contribution starts from a review of the main studies of the semiotics of urban spaces in order to focus on how nowadays, new social processes and the introduction of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) transform the traditional categorisations between different types of urban spaces. In particular, the possibility of a constant connection of individuals leads to an overcoming of the physical and material boundaries inherent within the idea of “space”, leading to bringing together, mixing and communicating different categories of spaces. New forms of urban space emerge. In the contribution we deal, for example, with the transformation of the concept of “limit”, which becomes more and more fleeting and nuanced on the basis of technological elements, at the same time creating new social processes. These elements let emerge the need of new design tools able to face the emerging complexity.

keywords: geosemiotica+geosemiotics, spazi urbani, ict, spazi ibridi, design, esperienza, narrazione, urban spaces, hybrid spaces, experience, storytelling

OCULA-21-CURTIS-OPROMOLLA-Spazi-urbani-ibridi.pdf ➞ PDF [1,810Mb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-21

citation information: Giovanni Curtis and Antonio Opromolla, Spazi urbani ibridi. Dall’introduzione del digitale ai processi sociali nella città, "Ocula", vol.20, n.21, pp.38-55, December 2019. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-21


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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