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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

author: Valentina Manchia (Dipartimento di Design, Politecnico di Milano, IT)

Between Visuality and Visualization. On the Borders with the W.J.T. Mitchell’s «Sweet» Image Science: a Reading

language: italian

publication date: November 2020

abstract: In a semiotic perspective, in dialogue with a science of images, J.W.T. Mitchell’s Image Science (2015) appears interesting not only for the theoretical contributions here collected but for the argumentative structure bringing them together, that the author himself does not hesitate to propose as a metapicture of his system of thought. This essay therefore focuses both on the figurative (and figural) modalities of Mitchell’s argumentative strategies and on the theoretical possibilities that an open reflection on interdisciplinary boundaries can open in different directions.

keywords: visual culture studies, semiotica, semiotica visiva, teoria delle immagini, verbo-visivo, semiotics, visual semiotics, image theory, verbo-visual

OCULA-FluxSaggi-MANCHIA-Tra-visualita-e-visualizzazione-ai-confini-della-scienza-dolce.pdf ➞ PDF [453Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-50

citation information: Valentina Manchia, Tra visualità e visualizzazione. Ai confini della «scienza dolce delle immagini» di W.J.T. Mitchell: una lettura, "Ocula", vol.21, November 2020. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-50


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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