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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

author: Ruggero Ragonese (Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (IT); USAC University Reggio Emilia (IT))

Collapsing Architecture: Towers, Steeples, and Minarets as War Monuments

language: english

publication date: June 2020

abstract: Tower, Steeples and Minarets can be regarded in the context of an urban landscape: the meaning lies essentially in the upward movement. Vector-oriented constructions capable of arranging the urban space around it. At the same time, however, these buildings include inside various narrative programs: the architectural text presents itself to be read by those who encounter it. The question is whether it can imply an elementary narrative micro-universe. Can towers predict their collapse? This paper will focus on relationships between war and architecture, investigating how certain structures like towers and minarets have inside them specific programs of collapsing related to offences involving weapons.

keywords: towers, point of view, architecture, war memorials, urban studies

OCULA-FluxSaggi-RAGONESE-Collapsing-architecture.pdf ➞ PDF [321Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-23

citation information: Ruggero Ragonese, Collapsing Architecture: Towers, Steeples, and Minarets as War Monuments, "Ocula", vol.21, June 2020. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2020-23


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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