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This article has been published in: Ocula 21, Geosemiotics: from locative media to diffused images, big and small data

author: Guido Ferraro (Università di Torino (IT))

Locations and their meaning. How the sense of place is constructed and decostructed in Instagram photos

language: italian

publication date: December 2019

abstract: This article deals with the peculiarities of typical Instagram photographs (use of blurring, “filters” that decrease the chromatic range, and so on), in relation with the idea that these images should represent with immediacy the flow of life, as well as in relation with the use of geolocalized media, and the consequent ambition
to create a sort of visual map of the world. The tools of a semiotic analysis allow us to assume that the functions of these images go beyond their apparent purposes; this is a case that is anything but trivial, indeed theoretically relevant, as we cam see a way of composition between the referential functions of images and their capacity to produce meaning.

keywords: geosemiotica, geosemiotics, fotografia, locative media, semiotica, instagram, iconismo, photography, locative media, semiotics, iconic signs

OCULA-21-FERRARO-I-luoghi-il-senso.pdf ➞ PDF [2,040Mb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-24

citation information: Guido Ferraro, I luoghi, il senso. Costruzione e decostruzione dell’effetto del luogo nelle fotografie di Instagram, "Ocula", vol.20, n.21, pp.89-110, December 2019. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-24


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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