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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

author: Edoardo Lucatti (Centro Universitario Bolognese di Etnosemiotica, Bologna (IT))

It's easy to say text

language: italian

publication date: September 2015

abstract: Someone left a horse called “Document” at the gates of the semiotic citadel. What can be done? Perhaps it would be better to lead it inside and by doing this, consider the advisability of a principle of equivalence between “document” and “text”, undoubtedly gratifying in its show of substance? Or would it be better to leave it where it is, freely available for philosophical experiences that transit in search of bodies to which the project of a social ontology can be anchored? What changes, in the two cases, through epistemology, theory and semiotic analysis? The article intends to provide an extremely clear answer to these queries by attempting to establish (1) what a textual principle that can be truly considered authentically radical actually is, (2) which relationships does this principle entertain with the notion of documentality, with the glossematics theory and with the idea of semiotics of culture and, more generally, (3) how does the constructivist paradigm in which it belongs appear to be defined, with special reference to its ability to address the problem of Reality thoroughly and without reticence.

keywords: testo, documento, dibattiti

OCULA-FLUX-Lucatti ➞ PDF [535Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula65

citation information: Edoardo Lucatti, Si fa presto a dire testo, "Ocula", vol.16, September 2015. DOI: 10.12977/ocula65


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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