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This article has been published in: Ocula 20, The Place of the User in Design

authors: Françoise Armand (Université Montpellier (FR)) and Pierre-Michel Riccio (Université Montpellier (FR))

Is there (really) a user? The roles of contributor, user, customer, collaborator on digital platforms for scientific publications

language: french

publication date: October 2019

abstract: The promise of knowledge sharing against a backdrop of mutualization and the related accompanying speeches offer digital platform contributors a participatory, mutual aid vision. The field of scientific production is no exception to this logic. Its clients are institutions that rely on data provided by the researchers themselves. Through the analysis of the architecture and content of these platforms (Barthes, Souchier, Floch, Pérec,...) and the desire for recognition of the researcher (Honneth) who appropriates the tool (de Certeau) we analyze the roles of user, contributor, customer, collaborator.

keywords: design, usager, publication scientifique, reconnaissance, plateforme numérique, web, user, scientific publication, recognition, digital platform, web

OCULA-20-ARMAND-RICCIO-Y-a-t-il-vraiment-un-usager.pdf ➞ PDF [364Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-7

citation information: Françoise Armand and Pierre-Michel Riccio, Y a-t-il (vraiment) un usager ? Les rôles de contributeur, usager, client, collaborateur sur les plateformes numériques de publications scientifiques, "Ocula", vol.20, n.20, pp.72-84, October 2019. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2019-7


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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