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This article has been published in: Ocula 19, Gamification paths. Research and ludic discourse for the community

authors: Martina Belluto (Università di Ferrara, IT), Paola Donatiello (Associazione Fare Ricerca, Bologna, IT; CUBE Centro Universitario Bolognese di Etnosemiotica, Università di Bologna, IT) and Salvatore Miele (Associazione Fare Ricerca, Bologna, IT)

Sense and sound of Greenhouse. A study on the accessibility of a space in Bologna’s municipality

language: italian

publication date: October 2018

abstract: Starting from the question of space accessibility, this paper shows the results of a multidisciplinary survey on Le Serre, the former municipal greenhouse of Giardini Margherita in Bologna. In the first part this case-study is contextualized and the methodological panorama – between ethnosemiotics, anthropology and sound landscape studies – is framed. The data emerged from the field experience, carried out in this space surrounded in the green of the city, are then analyzed on several levels. The observations, reflections and graphs that follow show some possible procedures for mapping the accessibility of urban spaces.

keywords: gamification, spazio, accessibilità, mappatura, sensescape, paesaggio urbano, paesaggio sonoro, space, accessibility, mapping, sensescape, townscape, soundscape

OCULA-19-BELLUTO-DONATIELLO-MIELE-Senso-e-suono-delle-serre.pdf ➞ PDF [4,820Mb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2018-13

citation information: Martina Belluto, Paola Donatiello and Salvatore Miele, Senso e suono delle Serre. Studio sull’accessibilità di uno spazio nel comune di Bologna, "Ocula", vol.19, n.19, pp.77-109, October 2018. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2018-13


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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