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This article has been subjected to double blind peer review

author: Audrey Moutat (Université de Limoges, laboratoire CeReS (FR))

When we can not trust what we see. Enunciative strategies and perceptual manipulations in the artworks of Alexa Meade

language: french

publication date: July 2018

abstract: This article studies the features of the visual enunciation involved in the production of works of art with a complex media status. It will confront the traces manifested within these works to their perceptual input by an enunciatee, an instance that perceives and interprets what he learns from the senses. Therefore, we propose to turn to the “forms still impregnated by the doing,” to consider the textual production of the work and make it dialogue with perceptual mechanisms generated by the footsteps of the productive doing. So we aim at highlighting the dynamics of the perceptive semiosis aroused by such works.

keywords: énonciation visuelle, sémiose perceptive, intermédiation, textualité de l’image, manipulation énonciative, visual enunciation, perceptive semiosis, intermediation, textuality of images, enunciative manipulation, meade alexa

OCULA-FluxSaggi-MOUTAT-Quand-on-ne-peut-croire-ce-que-l-on-voit.pdf ➞ PDF [386Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2018-3

citation information: Audrey Moutat, Quand on ne peut croire ce que l’on voit. Stratégies énonciatives et manipulations perceptives dans les œuvres d’Alexa Meade, "Ocula", vol.19, July 2018. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2018-3


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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