Questo articolo è stato sottoposto a double blind peer review
autore: Anne Ketola (University of Tampere (FI))
Teaching Intersemiotic Meaning Construction in Design
lingua: inglese
data di pubblicazione: novembre 2016abstract: In this paper I examine the mechanisms of intersemiotic meaning construction that are at play when we combine messages created by words and images. In order to ex-emplify the semiotic space that can be created between the two sign systems, I pro-vide examples of picturebook translation; a process in which visual semiotic elements inevitably shape the transferal of verbal semiotic elements from one language to an-other. With the help of these examples, I wish to empirically illustrate how these mechanisms unfold and demonstrate the power of the visual semiotic to the reshape our interpretation of the verbal. I argue that creating a sensibility towards intersemi-otic meaning construction ought to be an integral part of the curriculum in all fields of communication, including design. Knowledge of these mechanisms provides de-signers with a tool to create powerful messages in and across semiotic modes. I con-clude my discussion by outlining insights to inform the pedagogical practice of design training.
keywords: intersemiotic translation, design, design as translation, picturebookscitazione: Anne Ketola, Teaching Intersemiotic Meaning Construction in Design, "Ocula", vol.17, novembre 2016. DOI: 10.12977/ocula72 pubblica saggi di ricerca semiotica, in particolare applicata alla comunicazione e alla cultura, è aperta al dialogo con altri campi di ricerca e accoglie contributi che provengono da ogni ambito delle scienze umane e sociali. Questi sono la nostra Redazione e il nostro Comitato scientifico.