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This article has been published in: Ocula 14, Visible Cities. In Memory of Giovanna Franci

author: Gino Scatasta (Università di Bologna (IT))

Walking along the streets of Londropolis with Shakespeare, Woolf and Jack the Ripper

language: italian

publication date: December 2013

abstract: The neologism “Londropolis” mixes two Italian words, “Londra” (London) and “Paperopoli”, the fictional town where some Disney characters like Donald Duck or Uncle Scrooge live. Here it will be used for a town deriving from the hybridization between the “real” London and the city that can be found in some literary works where the English metropolis shows evident or subtle changes that mark a difference with the objective city of our reality and our shared experience. After some tentative distinctions between objective and mental places, private images and collective representations of the city and/or some of its particular places, it will be shown how difficult (and basically useless) is to isolate the two towns and how London and Londropolis show a penchant for mixing and acquiring a fluidity that prevents any possibility of marking neat borders between them. Passages from Shakespeare, Wilde and an essay by Virginia Woolf will be used, as well as tourist and cultural attractions such as the new Globe and the London Walks on Jack the Ripper.

keywords: londra, shakespeare, jack the ripper, città, architettura, geografia

OCULA-14-SCATASTA-Passeggiando-per-le-strade-di-londropoli.pdf ➞ PDF [190Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula26

citation information: Gino Scatasta, Passeggiando per le strade di Londropoli. Shakespeare, Woolf e Jack the Ripper, "Ocula", vol.14, n.14, December 2013. DOI: 10.12977/ocula26


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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