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This article has been published in: Ocula 25, Gender, genres and generations. A sociological analysis on changes of consumption styles in the globalised world: current scenarios and future perspectives

authors: Francesca Bianchi (Dipartimento di scienze della formazione scienze umane e della Comunicazione Interculturale, Università di Siena, IT), Alessandra Romano (Dipartimento di scienze della formazione scienze umane e della Comunicazione Interculturale, Università di Siena, IT) and Mario Giampaolo (Dipartimento di scienze della formazione scienze umane e della Comunicazione Interculturale, Università di Siena, IT)

Gender and technology: perspectives of meaning and preconceptions of future socio-pedagogical professional educators

language: italian

publication date: June 2021

abstract: The contribution presents the reflections on the relationship between gender and ICT of female students of a degree course in education and training sciences. What kind of representations future educators have about the social category of gender? In particular, which meaning perspectives do they have with respect to the female presence in the ICT field? What types of distortions characterize their narratives? To answer these questions, students’ posts in an online awareness development group were analyzed (Gaggioli et al., 2020). The issues emerging from the analysis testify the presence of a patriarchal vision in the work and social context linked to ICT and that the distortions relating to gender concern not only the sphere of ICT but also the whole theme of work within their family. Frequent is the use of the construct of ‘gender positioning’ also in the technological field and the influence of socialization agents in the creation of a relationship with ICT. Finally, there is a strong idea of ​​the opportunity given by ICT tools to overcome gender inequalities, prejudices, and stereotypes. The contribution is of interest to scholars of informal and incidental learning processes that aim to understand how these affect not only the educational and professional choices that push towards a course of study or a working environment, but more generally the meaningful perspectives that push towards a certain behavior.

keywords: gender gap, education, stereotypes, ict, guidance

OCULA-25-BIANCHI-ROMANO-GIAMPAOLO-Genere-e-tecnologia-prospettive-di-significato-e-distorsioni-di.pdf ➞ PDF [550Kb]

DOI: 10.12977/ocula2021-6

citation information: Francesca Bianchi, Alessandra Romano and Mario Giampaolo, Genere e tecnologia: prospettive di significato e distorsioni di futuri educatori professionali socio-pedagogici, "Ocula", vol.22, n.25, pp.25-45, June 2021. DOI: 10.12977/ocula2021-6


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ISSN 1724-7810   |   DOI: 10.12977/ocula

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